Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wed 18th Jan - Cullercoats Seawalk 3.7m 27:47

The phantom hip injury resurfaced on Tuesday and into Wednesday morning. The pain seemed to have subsided by Wednesday evening so I took a couple of ibuprofen and headed out the door. Not a bad night for January and I was soon wishing I hadn't worn the hat and gloves. Felt really stressed out. Not only is it coming up to the busiest 2 weeks of the year at work (and Jim Wood seems intent on overcomplicating the whole registration process yet again) but I'm aslo worried about the dog's health and how hard it would be to have her put to sleep. The run didn't exactly clear my head but it felt good to get out and run.

It turned out to be one of those nights when you feel you're running well but the time on the stopwatch tells a different story. Averaged about 7:30 min per mile and total time was almost a minute down on Saturday. Then again Saturday was a mid morning run, compared to tonight's effort after a long and tiring day at work. The hip gave me some minor discomfort but not that bad overall. I don't know what's causing the injury but stretching regularly seems to help. I am so inflexible it is untrue.

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