Monday, January 30, 2006

It makes no sense!

Sun 29th Jan - St Mary's Lighthouse 4.9m 34:11

A horrible weekend on a personal level left me emotionally drained, short on quality sleep and having drunk more beer than usual. Yet somehow on Sunday morning I got up and produced my best run in ages. I just got out there and ran, not thinking too much about my pace and looked at my watch in shock after the first mile. I was not expecting to churn out a 6:50 but once I had I felt duty bound to maintain a decent pace. Hit the halfway point in 16:59 and set myself a finishing target of 34:00 without killing myself. Inevitably I slowed a little coming home and finished just outside it but averaging 6:59 mins per mile in early January is something I'm quite pleased with. Whatever happens this year I'm determined that running will be my constant. Something that's always there and that will continually improve. Spent time today looking at my race time PBs - 10k, Blaydon, GNR, Marathon - and they all look seriously beatable. My downfall has always been an ability to stick rigidly to a training plan. This is the year that changes.

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