Friday, January 13, 2006

So far, so bad

Anyway, how's it going so far I hear you cry. Well not so good to tell the truth. The family and I arrived back home after Christmas in America on the 3rd January. It was straight back to work the next day and back to the daily grind. I forced myself out the door for a quick 3.7 miles along the sea front to Cullercoats. Felt much better for having made the effort and despite the time of 29:00 I really believed that this was going to be the year I could stick to a training plan. Then the weekend came and I didn't make it out of the door on Saturday. Sunday's match was cancelled so I planned to make up the missed session then. Again I didn't go. Then on Monday night I went for a 3 miler, finishing in 23:11, but with a niggling pain in my hip. Woke up on Tuesday and the niggling pain had become a serious pain my ass. So its now Friday and I haven't ran since. In January when its cold, dark and miserable the last thing you need is another excuse to miss that run. But here's to tomorrow a new day and a new change in attitude. If the hip is still sore I'm going to take some Ibuprofen and grin and bear it.

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