Monday, September 18, 2006

The Seaton Sluice Sniper

Two weeks to the big race and this happens! Just over 4 miles into a 13 miler, running back up through Seaton Sluice and out of nowhere a sharp pain shoots into the muscle just above the back of my knee. It feels like I've been shot, well maybe not that bad, but I have to stop immediately. This run is over, but more importantly participation in the Great North Run is in doubt. It takes a few moments but then I realize I'm 4 miles from home and it hurts to walk. I start the long walk hobble home contemplating missing the event that I’ve been training for over the last 6 months. My one piece of good luck arrives in the form of my friend’s dad who drives by minutes later and offers me a ride home.

When I get home I do the only thing I know and that’s to slap some ice on the affected area and take some Ibuprofen. I’m trying to stay positive and hope that a week to ten days of rest will cure the problem. It’s vital I stay positive and do everything I can to make it to the start line in good health. I’m convinced that any training I would have done in the next week would only be fine tuning and the hard work will pay off come race day … as long as this injury goes away in time. Maybe the enforced layoff will even leave me fresher than ever come race day. Here’s hoping anyway.

The previous two weeks training had gone quite well. Last Sunday I ran 11+ miles at less than 7 min / mile pace. Given that it was a late night run and I had spent all day chasing after the kids I was quite pleased with my performance. Then on Tuesday Dave and I finally went along to the local running club (North Shields Poly) and joined a session. In the long term I think it’s important to join a club if I’m going to improve further. It’s also a good idea to have others to work with when the long winter nights draw in and going running by yourself in the wind and rain is about as appetising as chewing you own ear off. Things were all just falling into place when this damn injury struck. Still, must stay positive. It WILL be better come race day.

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