Thursday, September 22, 2011

Great Cumbrian Run 2009

25th October 2009

1:29:18 -

After missing out on a half-marathon PB at the GNR I thought "why not have another go?" and this seemed like the most convenient opportunity to do so. Unfortunatley a record breaking run was never on the cards. Physically I didn't seem to have it in me and the wet, blustery conditions and undulating course didn't help either.

I spent the hour before the race trying to shelter from the elements inside the start location of Carlisle Castle. Hardly ideal preparation but once the race began I was quickly into my stride and hit the first mile roughly on target  in 6:31. I'm trying to stick to my planned pace but it's not proving easy. The next three mile splits are 6:42, 6:29, 6:49 and I'm already beginning to forget about any aspirations of a new half-marathon PB. By now the course has turned off into some pleasant countryside but with rather too many hills for comfort.

I revise my targets for the day. Sub 1:30 is a must and while we're at it lets keep every mile split under 7 minutes....which I manage to do so until mile 9 when a big fat 7:02 stares me in the face. Motivation is hard to find at this point. The weather outlook remains bleak and the course takes a turn for the worse as we head out of the countryside and back into Carlisle.

At somewhere beyond 11 miles a stocky bloke in a purple and blue vest runs past me and then halfway up a hill he stops and walks. Its the same runner who'd overtaken me at mile 1 before stopping by the side of the road. I also remember running behind him at the Great North Run at the 3 mile marker before passing him ... because he'd stopped and started to walk. Anyway, back to Carlisle and surprisingly five minutes later Mr Stop-Start passes me again and he's going away for me. I've got to admire his determination but his race strategy perhaps needs a bit of a rethink.

By this point I'm in something of a comfort zone. Sub 1:30 is my only remaining target and it's well within reach. I pick the pace up a bit for the final mile but it proves to be only a 7:05. The crowd of spectators grows and I try to look comfortable as I complete the a final lap around the track. A solid run but something of a let down.

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