Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blaydon Race

9th June 2011

38:02 -

And so after a year physios and chiropractors, massage and stretching, resting and just plain laziness, it was time to return to the racing arena. Still not cured but having accepted the dodgy back and hamstrings were here to stay I decided to make a comeback. Where else could I return but at a staple of the north-east racing schedule, the Blaydon Race, where no matter how bad you perform there's always a bottle of beer in the goody bag to look forward to.

A full-blooded effort would've been suicidal so I set off at a comfortable 6:30 per mile pace and tried not to run into any bollards during the always manic start away up Collingwood Street and alang the bottom of Westgate Road. Soon after the Garmin beeped and reported a 5:54 mile. I looked at it quizzically and assumed some sort of error. I didn't feel like I was running that sort of pace and if I was this running lark was a lot easier than I remembered. (Garmin error for mile 1 later confirmed)

Continuing on with the same perceived effort now along the famous Scotswood Road mile 2 was a more expected 6:33. I increased the pace ever so slightly. Mile 3 flashed up as a 6:24 and as I headed over the River Tyne was feeling confident. Mile 4 included an out and back section along the river path and clocked at 6:27.

Time for a health check. Feeling comfortable? Yes. Any injuries? Only slight hamstring pain. Ready to push on for the last 2 miles? Why not. So I increased the effort and turned in a 6:19 for mile 5. The hamstring pain increased but not out of the ordinary. The last section includes a steady incline up the carriageway into Blaydon. Still in reasonable fettle I surged up it and was passing people with ease. The Garmin reported mile 6 (of a 5.9 mile race!) to be a 6:12 and I crossed the line in 38:02.

Not a bad comeback race. Within two minutes of my best set in 2009 and not suffering too badly afterwards. Hope for the future?

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