Monday, January 04, 2010

So close to being perfect.

Great North Run - 1:25:33

For me, nothing goes accordingly to plan, but this was about as close as I've ever got. It was over two months since my last race and I'd squeezed in a two-week family holiday during that period. I had no right to target a PB but I did anyway. In fact I was aiming to go 26 seconds faster than last year and dip under 1h 25m for the first time.

I knew to do this I'd have to average 6:29 per mile. I also knew steady pace running on the undulating route from Newcastle to South Shields was about as likely as Mike Ashley being crowned Mayor of Newcastle. With this in mind I split my race plan into 4 parts.
  1. Miles 1 - 5 including the 2 mile uphill starting at mile 3, average 6:30 per mile and hit the 5 mile marker in 32:30.
  2. Miles 5 - 8 a long gentle slope, pick the pace up here without overdoing it. Average somewhere between 6:15 and 6:20 per mile.
  3. Miles 8 - 12 the business end of the race, a shortish uphill at 9 miles and then a loooong hill from 11 to 12 miles. Inevitably the pace would slow but give as little back as possible.
  4. Mile 13.1 - Go for it. Squeeze out every last drop and cruise over the finish line in 1:24:xx
I asked myself if it was possible and replied with a shrug of the shoulders. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. My training had been inconclusive. Some positives in there but less than perfect. Lets give it a go and see what happens.

Here's what happened:
  1. Hit the 5 mile marker in 32:31. OK 1 second behind schedule but pretty much perfect. Feeling comfortable.
  2. Picked up the pace and felt good. 6:15, 6:14, 6:19. Now over 30 seconds ahead of schedule.
  3. Still feeling good as I enter this stage. Clock a 6:38 for mile 9 and then a 6:29 for mile 10. Then it starts to get tough. All of a sudden I'm noticing the warm sunshine. The Powerade I took at 10 miles is making me feel sick and the legs are really feeling these late hills. Next 2 miles are 6:45, 6:38.
  4. As I enter the crucial last stage of the plan I'm bang on target. Unfortunately the legs and more importantly the mind is going. As much as I want to pick up the pace and cruise home for a PB the body just won't co-operate. Mile 13 is long and tough, sub 1:25 is out of the window and agonisingly even a PB slips by. I come home 8 seconds slower than last year.
So near yet so far. To execute the plan so well for 90% of the run and lose it in the last little bit is cruel. The disappointment stays with me for the days if not weeks before I'm able to reflect on what actually was a pretty good run.

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