Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The joys of the North East coast

In the summer the worst thing about running along the sea front between Whitley Bay and Tynemouth is the number of charvas hanging out in bus stops or driving by in their daft little cars with the windows rolled down. In the winter the worst thing has to be the wind. To be honest since the turn of the year the weather hasn't been that bad. Or perhaps while my running plan has consisted of 3 runs a week I've been able to dodge the worst of the weather. I'm stepping up to 4 runs this week and endured an unpredictable blustery wind on both Monday and Tuesday. I wanted to get ahead of the game so I went out for an unscheduled run on Monday night. I simply had no idea of how fast or slow I was running for the entire 3.7 miles. Sometimes it felt good and sometimes it felt bad. In the end I averaged 7:21 per mile but just felt relieved that it wasn't any worse. The following night I ran the 6 miles to Seaton Sluice and had a much better time of it. Never quite sure where the wind was coming from I averaged about 7:11 per mile on the way out and then on the way back with the wind (mostly) at my back I was pushed to an average of around 7:01. I'm doing reasonably well at sticking to my plans during the dark nights and inclement weather but I really can't wait until spring finally springs into action - who knows when that will be though, June maybe?

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