Thursday, July 02, 2009

Blaydon Race - 36.08

Can't beat an event that puts a bottle of Brown Ale in the goody bag.

Race report - (mile splits are from garmin and a little short)

Pre-race a bit sketchy on my targets. They changed the route last year so by default it was a PB of 37:17. Hoped to beat that and also go 36.xx. Start was well controlled this year and I managed to get a decent spot without too much argy-bargy. First mile twists through the streets of Newcastle, its easy to get carried away and go off too fast so I hang back behind a couple of club-mates who I know I'm faster than. Congestion is manageable as we head past Central Station, Centre for Life and then the Boyzone fans at the Arena. First mile 6.01 - a tad fast but feels good.

Then out 'alang the Scotswood Road'. Another club-mate comes past me, I tag in just behind him and he kindly takes me through mile 2 in a steady 6.08. I decide to do a bit of the pace-making but he can't hang on. Next thing I know I'm passing one of the elite women from Africa (she's having a bad day - but looks great). A slight downhill section helps me to a 6.03 for mile 3.

Across the Scotswood Bridge and down the out and back loop along the river. There's a water station but its plastic cups so I decide its not worth the effort - I'll only spill it down my front anyway. There's a tight 180 degree turn and we head for home. I realise I didn't hear the mile split on my garmin (it was a 6.14) but decide not too mess around with it and run the rest on feel - and I'm feeling pretty good.

I tuck in behind another runner who seems to be cruising along despite making some weird breathing noises. I take a second glance and notice he's in his late 60s. At the next incline I leave him behind ... or so I think, 20 seconds later he's in front of me again. We hit the 5 mile marker (6.08) and up another incline I finally leave him behind.

The last section of the race can be cruel with a couple of hills and some twists and turns but I've run this race so many times I know exactly what's coming. I'm still feeling strong so start to wind up the pace and am passing quite a few. As we turn into Blaydon I'm giving it everything and trying to overtake as many as possible. One last sprint for the line and stop the watch at 36.08. Very pleased, better than I'd anticipated and according to WAVA rating (72.52) my best race performance ever.

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