Saturday, September 29, 2007

Getting Ready

It's the evening before the big day and I'm still not exactly sure what time I should aim for. Training for this run has been up and down throughout and that continued into the final month. I ran two long runs on consecutive weekends (10.25 and 11.35 miles). The first was excellent at a consistent and comfortable sub 7 minute mile pace. The second not so good, not comfortable at all and a slower pace of 7:16 per mile. On the bright side I've managed a couple of excellent fast paced 6 mile runs.

So what do I go for tomorrow? I guess I'm going to just have to go with how I feel and respond to what my legs tell me. If everything goes well I'll shoot for sub 1:26, but sub 1:28 and sub 1:30 are alternative targets. I've run this race many times before and I know what to do. Don't push it too hard early on and listen to what my body is telling me. The weather is looking quite good for tomorrow. Around 14 or 15C and just a gentle wind.

My wife has belatedly decided to take up her entry. She's doing it on a very short training schedule but I'm sure she'll be fine and it's great for us to be doing the Great North Run together again. I just hope she doesn't beat me for a fourth time!

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