Thursday, August 31, 2006

Halfway there

Just over halfway into the 10 week plan. Things are going reasonably well although 1h 25m still looks like a pretty stiff target.

I switched my focus from the full marathon to the half because the training left me feeling drained and my runs were becoming one paced. During the first week of the new schedule I found it difficult to inject a bit of speed into my running. However, a session on the track soon solved that. It was just a short session but 3 x 1200m at 6 minute mile pace did wonders for my whole training plan.

Its hard to tell if a 1h 25m GNR is possible at the moment, but a couple of very good fast paced runs have given cause for optimism. Last week I ran a 5k in Newcastle's Exhibition Park. Using my 3 stage goal-setting plan I set myself the targets of
1) a new PB - (18m 57s)
2) sub 6 minute miling
3) sub 18 mins
It poured down with rain but there was very little wind so conditions were good for running. The field was stacked with good club runners and I got sucked into going off to fast at the gun. I battled hard to keep going but my pace slowed during the middle part of the race. I misjudged my surge for home and went off too quickly crossing the line eventually in 18m 18s, averaging 5:53 per mile. Overall quite pleased with my effort and achieving 2 of the 3 goals I'd set. Although sub 18 mins was a difficult target I think I could have got close to it with a more evenly paced run. In some ways I found the 5k a more difficult event than the half-marathon. With the longer event you sort of settle into a pace and try to maintain it, whereas in the 5k I just tried to push it all the way round. Given that its only the second time I've run in a race of this distance perhaps I'll find it easier with a bit more experience.

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