Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm back ... and still running

Its been three weeks without a blog entry. Fortunately that doesn't mean its been three weeks without a run. Its been tough weather wise recently with ice, snow and a bitterly cold wind to contend with. However, I've managed to stick to my plan and things are progressing nicely.
In week one of the lost period I ran 3 times for a total of 17 miles. This included an 8-miler that I completed in 58:29. A solid but unspectacular time over what was my longest run of the year so far.

The following week followed pretty much the same theme. Planned 4, ran 3 with a long run of 8 miles. Total mileage was 20 miles. The one big difference was the quality of the long run. This time I completed it in 55:51 for a sub 7 min/mile average.

Conscious of not over-training I dropped my long run down to 6.7 miles this week and ran a total of 20 miles over 4 sessions. Tuesday night was a real easy run to the light house that took the best part of 39 minutes. I put in a 6.7 miler on Thursday with a relatively slow time of 50:51. Just felt tired throughout in some awful weather, not forgetting the effects of an afternoon at soft play with the kids! I introduced a track session on Saturday and ran 2 x I mile sessions. Hoped to run them in around 6 min/mile pace but was pleasantly surprised to achieve a 5:50 and a 5:55. Sunday morning I opted out of football training (match was cancelled again) and went for a 6 miler up to the Delaval Arms. I'd had a curry and a few drinks the night before so I wasn't expecting anything great from myself. Hit the first mile in 6:55 but then slowed by about 10 seconds a mile for the next two. Then as I turned for home I seemed to get a second wind and steamed home in 20:20 for an overall time of 41:42. Sometimes I amaze even myself!!

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