Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer running, happened so fast ...

21st May 2008 - Clive Cookson 10k - 38:01
9th June 2008 - Blaydon Race (5.9m) - 37:17
2nd July 2008 - Tynedale 10k - 42:14
14th August 2008 - Exhibition Park 5k - 18:12

If Phase 1 of this year was all about the London Marathon. Phase 2 was most definitely trying to capitalise on all that distance training with PB's over the shorter distances.

Clive Cookson 10k - 38:01
And so it began just up the road on my old high school cross country route. I set my 10K record of 38:25 in this race over 8 years previously and had never really came close to breaking it since. However, I went into the race confident of a sub-39, focused on a new PB and dreaming of sub-38. I started a little too fast but settled into my running after that. I went through halfway in 19:02 at that point thinking more of a PB than sub-38.

With 2km to go I was starting to flag a little, sub-38 was a distant hope and I was beginning to think I might miss out on a PB. Then crucially a Heaton Harrier came past me and he encouraged me to stick with him. I really dug deep and tried to keep on his shoulder. Several times I thought of letting him go but I desperately clung on and even had the audacity to speed past him in the final stretch. The last kilometre was my fastest of the race at 3:30 and brought me home in an official time of 38:01. A slight malfunction at the beginning of the race meant my watch time was inaccurate but I suspect I may actually have dipped just under the 38 minute mark.

KM splits:
3.36 4.00 3.54 3.46 3.43 3.44 3.59 4.04 3.39 3.30

Blaydon Race (5.9m) - 37:17
As always Blaydon is a race not to be missed. A slight change in the route added 0.2 of a mile and in effect guaranteed a new PB. Not an easy night for running with a headwind alang the Scotswood Road and some tropical temperatures.

I got off to a decent start, not too much ducking and diving in the first mile and hit mile 1 in 6:18. Then I relaxed into a good pace along Scotswood Road and clocked 6:04, 6:08 for miles 2 and 3.

My pace slowed a little bit after crossing the bridge and mile 4 was a 6:29. Really liked the new loop by the river and picked out a good few club mates going the other way. I was struggling a little in mile 5 but tried to hold it together and clocked a 6:33.

The last 0.9 just seemed to fly by. Going up that last long incline I tried to squeeze out every last drop of energy. Crossed the line in 37:17 - I guess it counts as a new PB because of the course changes but all things considered a little slower than last year.

A big thumbs-up to the organisers. Particular the route changes but also the finish area was much better planned this time. And Newcastle Brown Ale in the bag! I mean I've always drunk the Scorpion Lager and Banks' Bitter in previous years but yer can't beat a bottle of dog straight after a run in the hot summer sun! Decide to pass on the tripe and black puddin' though ...

Mile splits:
6.18 6.04 6.08 6.29 6.33 *5.41 (0.9m)

Tynedale 10k - 42:14
Two years ago I took the decision to hang up my football boots and focus on running. Then out of the blue a phone call from an old school friend and I'm turning out in a school reunion tournament. Great to see some old faces and really enjoyed the day but it destroyed any hopes of another 10k PB. I strained a hamstring and in general my muscles ached for days afterwards. I considered pulling out of the race but in the end decided to race anyway.

The race starts on a big downhill in Ovington and I took it easy in the middle of the pack. I'd hoped to be able to pick up the pace and maybe go at least sub 40 minutes. However, as things progressed it got harder and harder and the pace slowed. I put an extra effort in during the last mile and came in 42:14. A nice undulating, rural course but kind of difficult to enjoy with my legs screaming for mercy throughout.

Mile splits:
6.36 6.32 6.41 7.03 7.05 6.50

Exhibition Park 5k - 18:12

With my 10k PB back up to date, my oldest remaining record was the 5k time of 18:18 set here in 2006. I knew it was a tough time to beat but some good fast-paced club sesssions had given me some confidence. An impromptu bottle of wine two days before the race and a couple of sleep interrupted nights was perhaps not the best preparation.

Come race night I was feeling a little tired but managed to focus myself on running a good race. I run this route all the time during my lunch breaks at work and was looking forward to testing myself in a race situation. The rain lashed down as we set off and I settled into a good pace clocking the first KM at 3:34. I hit the next split in 3:43 still on target for a PB. The middle kilometre of the race was tough and when I looked at my watch at 3k the lap time said 3:41 and I felt good to push on for a PB.

At least I thought the lap time had said 3:41, it had actually been a 3:47. Thank goodness for dodgy eyesight! I think had I seen the lap time correctly it may have had a negative effect and slowed me down during the final part of the race. As it was I pushed on hitting a 3:38 for the 4th KM and then gave it everything in the final push. My last KM of 3:30 brought me home in a new record of 18:12.

KM splits:
3.34 3.43 3.47 3.38 3.30

And so with PBs this year at the Marathon, 10k and 5k all that remains is a new Half-Marathon record at the Great North Run. Phase 3 is about to begin.

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