Sunday, March 08, 2009

Marathon Training: Weeks 5 - 9 - Endurance not injury

Having reached the magical 20 mile mark in week 4 over the last few weeks I've alternated the long runs. A medium length long run (13 - 16 miles) followed by a 20 miler the following week. The 20s don't seem to get any easier but by comparison the shorter 15 mile runs are quite easy on the legs.

Week 8 concluded with a 20.2 mile run, of which the last 5 miles were at something approaching marathon pace. I'd felt below par before the run, and muscles aching I headed out the door wondering whether I might have to cut down the planned run. By starting slowly I kept myself in reasonable shape and was fortunate to run the last 3 miles with a club mate to help keep me going.

Week 9 started with a very slow 9 miles on Tuesday and then a tough 12 at marathon pace on Wednesday. On Thursday I was tired and the muscles ached. The legs said rest day ... the mind agreed. I made up the interval session on Friday and ran short and very easy on Saturday. I was still feeling it a little this morning and as I began my long run for the week it was not only the strong wind that was giving me cause for concern. My muscles were sore and my back was giving me a little grief. Had I been running a 20 today it would've been tough. However, I eased my way into the run and the legs eased off a little. By the time I hit 10 miles I was feeling good and ready to pick up the pace. 4 of the next 5 were at faster than planned marathon pace (07:22 07:16 07:18 07:31 07:20) and I finished feeling strong and happy.

The next few weeks are crucial in the marathon training process. Not only to increase the mileage but also to avoid injury. The past two years I've either overdone it or injured myself in March. This year by alternating my longer runs with slightly shorter distances and listening when my body says it needs rest I'm confident I can get to the start line in London with both endurance and fitness, ready to crack 3:15.