Sunday, February 01, 2009

Marathon Training: Weeks 3&4 - Slow and Steady

Its been a tough, but ultimately rewarding couple of weeks. I've logged some decent mileage and another two priceless long runs of 16.8 and 20.6 miles. However, the pace has been slow and on occasions I've suffered from fatigue. In the past slowing down to marathon pace has been a problem, this year it seems I have to push myself just to get anywhere near it.

I visited the physio in week 3 and he confirmed there was nothing seriously wrong with my back. So I've been stretching frequently and am starting to feel some of the benefits. My favourite run of week 3 was my routine fartlek session on the Saturday. What made it special was having a training partner, my daughter riding along on her bike. Splashing through puddles along the trails we covered 4.5 miles and in turn were covered in a whole load of mud!

The following day I ventured out on my own for a long run of 16.76 miles. I'd hoped to log a 20+ miler but my body wasn't happy at the thought of that and as a precaution I turned for home early. Not wishing to pick up an injury I slowed the last mile or two and came home in 2:13:02, an average pace of 7:56 per mile.

I was suffering from the increased mileage and I decided to take things easy in week 4. Tuesday's 8 miler was done at a rather pedestrian 8:12 min/mile pace and the week's track session was more about pacing than speed. By the time the weekend came around I was feeling a little sharper. Heading out for my long run on Saturday I was hopeful of finally bagging the first 20 miler of the year. Keeping the pace slow and steady I made decent progress through Holywell Dene, Delaval and Seaton Sluice.

I rarely checked my watch. Just occasionally glancing at my heart rate, trying to keep it somewhere in the 150s. At just under 15 miles it was decision time. Should I head straight home, 2 more miles, or take in another loop through Seaton Delaval to take the total over 20. I felt OK and decided the longer option was within my capabilities. No problems, no injury, just a little gritting of the teeth in the last mile and I clocked 20.6 miles in 2:42:52. An average pace of 7:54 per mile and a real confidence booster.

I'll afford myself a cut back week in week 5 and perhaps a long run of around 14-16 miles. However, for the next 2 months I'd like to complete a 20+ long run every other weekend. As my stamina improves I'll introduce marathon pace segments into the later stages of each long run. The legs feel good right now and as long as I keep logging the miles I can only hope the speed returns in the next month or two.